Max Pressure:20PSI
Digital Control Set-pressure Increments:Per 0.5 PSI
The LCD screen selectable unit of measure the PSI,BAR, KPA,KG/CM2
Shows current pressure while inflating
Inflates and deflates
Pump Automatically Shuts off When Set Pressure is Achieved
High Valume (Turbo Fan) + High Pressure (Cylinders) Two Stages
How the pump works:
When the pump starts it will be on a HIGH VOLUME (Turbine) pump until the pressure reaches 2-3 psi. Then the pump will automatically switch over to the HIGH PRESSURE (Piston) pump and inflate the sup to its set pressure. Once reaching the set pressure the pump should automatically turn itself off.
The high-pressure inflator pump automatically stops at the pressure level that you have selected and is also ideal for deflating.